Gift of Peace
Gift Of Peace
This is a simple and melodic setting of Christmas words to one of my piano pieces, “Waltz, Inspiration”. The melody suddenly seemed to lend itself to these words, which were written as I played and sang along to the piano piece…
Joy to the world this Christmas-tide, for God’s gift was given;
joy to the world: a saviour is born this night,
Jesus Christ’s birth; joy for all, this momentous time when we received the Christ-Child.
Jesus Christ’s birth; the Lamb of God entered in;
Joy to the earth, peace to earth.
God came to earth a child, cradle of straw; gift of myrrh,
We too come to worship the Christ…
Joy to the earth, joy to the earth and love,
Love was sent from Heav’n to earth, and we celebrate with joy,
So let the bells ring, ring from the skies,
Let the Christmas joy fill our hearts.
O Peace come to earth, let peace come to earth:
Child of God, give Your peace.
Hear the bells ring.
Hear the bells of peace sent from God.
There are also versions in keys of F and f sharp to suit slightly different voice ranges. (Please see the soprano section for arrangements in F and F sharp)
Vocal range: (In C) B below middle C to E an octave up.
(in D) B below middle C to high G.
NB The sound file here is an electronic sound file, so please note, is wordless, available as a free download for rehearsal purposes.
Permission to produce two copies from download (for singer and pianist.)
Scores £3.50
mp3s FREE
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Gift of Peace in C
Gift of Peace in D
Listen here:
Gift of Peace in C
Gift of Peace in D
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