Ocean – Helen Temtime
In 2018, my pupils and myself embarked on a project that lead to so many delightful compositions being produced.
Each of us wrote something literary about a month or season, in either poetry, prose, or even one word that captured that particular season for us….then we each chose another’s (or their own) creative writing from which to gain inspiration for a new composition. Everyone joined in, from age 7-18.
This lovely miniature portrays all the elements of the ocean that the piece of creative writing below inspired: the music is delicate, calm, and then holds a beautiful array of harmony, changing on every chord from the gentle, to the brooding…. the “unpredictable natural wonder”…
Sea…sapphire, colossal, calming, hydrating, crushing, unpredictable natural wonder. Ocean
(Delphine Ville)
Listen here:
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