26 Pieces for Flute (solos and duets for flute and other instruments)
This set of “26 Pieces for Flute”, for solo flute / member of the flute family, or in duet with other instruments, has been written as a “fundraiser”. The twenty six pieces, all precisely 26 bars each, have been written as part of a fund raising campaign, in aid of the charities supporting a young Royal Marine musician, diagnosed with Motor neurone Disease at the shocking age of just 26. Please do read the story behind these pieces…. (below)
I hope that these pieces may be useful for flautists, allowing them the enjoyment playing duets alongside other instrumentalists who may be friends, or in a concert setting.
…helping charity through music-making
I also hope that in a concert setting, a programme note about the story behind these pieces may be spoken or printed, to raise awareness for Motor Neurone Disease. If you think you can make a concert with these pieces in aid of the #26forsoph campaign or the The Motor Neurone Disease Association. that would be an amazing thing.
All money from the sale of these pieces will go to the #26forsoph campaign until it closes on 24th December 2024, thereafter to The Motor Neurone Disease Association.
All the pieces can be heard here (Youtube)
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The Story behind these pieces
This set of “26 Pieces for Flute”, either as a solo instrument, or in duet with other instruments has been written as a fundraiser for the #26forsoph campaign.
I had a wonderful opportunity to play alongside, and subsequently write two pieces for, a talented Royal Marine horn player. It was in 2024, that I learned that her close friend, also a Marine musician, had been diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease: shockingly aged just 26 .I saw that funds were being raised, and I wanted to help. All the fundraising efforts were being centred around the number 26, she age Sophie was when she was diagnosed. Marine friends were climbing mountains, walking miles, but I decided that I had to do something, so decided to write 26 miniatures, each of exactly 26 bars, for flute, one of Sophie’s instruments, as solo or in combination with other instruments as duets. There are also solos for other members of the flute family: piccolo, as well as alto flute.
Concerto Version
After I had completed them, I added a second movement, to allow for them being able to be played in an orchestral concert: “Concerto 26”, where the first movement is comprised of all the solos, and the second movement combines those particular instruments.
I also hope that in a concert setting, a programme note about the story behind these pieces may be spoken or printed, to raise awareness for Motor Neurone Disease. If you think you can make a concert with these pieces in aid of the #26forSoph campaign, which runs until 24th December, or thereafter for Motor Neurone Disease Association charity, that would be an amazing thing.
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